Workplace politics can be a labyrinth of complexities. Discover ten effective strategies to navigate these intricacies, fostering a positive environment and advancing your career. Let's delve into the art of mastering office dynamics without compromising your values or professional integrity.

Give Voice to the Problem

When workplace drama affects you, it can become an insidious cloud that permeates your day-to-day. Take back control by giving this cloud a name and make it concrete.

  • Count Your Elephants
  • Make a list of all of the elephants in the room. Set aside time to consciously think through, what’s actually bothering you right now and write down these elephants. This will make future conversations easier.

Identify Your Role in the Problem

Be honest with yourself: Are you contributing to the situation negatively or doing anything to help?

  • Find the key player(s)
  • Free yourself from the ally echo chamber
  • Identify your opponents and establish a connection with them
  • Order conversations from most difficult to easiest, then have them in that order
  • Intentionally Make Yourself Vulnerable
  • Tactfully Reveal the elephants
  • Prevent problems by quickly addressing minor issues
  • Use neutral language to share your perspective

Empathy, rigorous honesty, and vulnerability are how high-trust companies are built and maintained

Research shows that they lead to better energy, productivity, engagement, life satisfaction, and more

  • This is why these principles are so important in building and maintaining a successful tech company.
