Emotion regulation is about you having the skills to control your behavior, emotions and thoughts in pursuit of long-term goals – for example living a resilient and flourishing life as opposed to living a life where you are languishing in discontent and frustration. In this article, you will learn what emotional regulation is, and the skills you need to be mentally strong and healthy.
What are Emotional Regulation Skills?
Emotional regulation skills help us to effectively manage and change the way we feel and cope with situations
- They are the key to living a healthy and well balanced life
- When we strive to live a balanced life, we build our resilience and our coping strategies to effectively deal with the adversity and challenges in life
A Technique Designed by Carol Vivyan to Manage Your Emotions
- S
- Stop T
- Take A Breath O
- Observe – your thoughts and feelings P- Pull Back
- Put in some perspective – what is the bigger picture? P- Practice What Works P-practice What Works and then proceed
Work on Having Positive Relationships In Your Life
The relationships you have in your life have a significant influence on how you live your life.
- Toxic relationships do not serve you well and you need to eliminate these relationships from your life
- Your wellbeing, mentally, physically, and spiritually is influenced by the type of relationships you are able to have
Learn How to Accept Your Vulnerability
Vulnerability takes courage
- Allowing yourself to be vulnerable takes strength and courage.
- Don’t Bottle Up Your Emotions
- Become more self-aware
- Explore your emotions, ask questions, and become more emotionally resilient
Why Is Emotional Regulation Important?
Historically, we have been taught to believe that strategies around managing our responses and behaviors are self-taught.
- Some of us do and some of us, depending on what negative experiences we have in our lives, lose our ability to self regulate. A lack of self-regulation will only cause problems in one’s life.
Seek Excellence Not Perfection
Perfectionism is the belief that if we live perfectly, look perfectly, and act perfectly, we can avoid the pain of blame, judgment, and shame.
- What you should really be focused on is realizing excellence, the best version of yourself despite your flaws.
Applying Your Power Of Choice
The first step in the practice of self-regulation is to recognize that you have the choice in how you react to situations
- Your power of choice is your gift
- Use it wisely and there will be no compromises about how you live your life
Find Ways for You to Let Go of Painful Emotions and Your Regrets
When you do manage to release all these negative emotions, you will find that you resilience and ability to deal with the curveballs of life will soar.
- Accept that you are suffering, you stop running from the difficult emotions and turn to face them with strength and courage.
Become Better at Managing Your Negative Feelings Because They Never Go Away
Face your fears and move forward. The more you stand up to these negative forces, the more you’ll flex your courage and resilience and come out stronger for it.
Final thoughts
Dare to be yourself – your strengths, skills, and beauty as well as your flaws and insecurities.
- When you integrate these 10 emotional regulation skills into your life, your emotional agility and courage will enable you to live your life to the fullest – a life where you are thriving, resilient and courageous.
Take Care Of Your Body
Consistent physical activity, eating well, and getting lots of sleep are key to a resilient and well-balanced life
Find Ways to Have Fun
Quotes to demonstrate why it is important for you to have fun
- ‘When fun gets deep enough, it can heal the world’ – the Oaqui
- There’s no fear when you’re having fun”
- Will Thomas
- “I am going to keep having fun every day I have left, because there is no other way of life. You just have to decide whether you are a Tigger or an Eeyore”-Randy Pausch
Practice Mindfulness
“Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment”
- Buddha Mindfulness practices can help you to increase your ability to regulate emotions, decrease stress, anxiety and depression, and focus our attention
- The more integrated mindfulness becomes in your life, the less you worry and stress about the past or the future