10 Habits to Maintain Good Health

10 Habits to Maintain Good Health
10 Habits to Maintain Good Health

Embarking on a journey towards good health? It's all about cultivating the right habits. Discover ten essential routines that can transform your wellbeing, from nutrition and exercise to sleep and stress management. Let's dive into a healthier lifestyle together.

10 Habits to Help Maintain Your Health and Wellness

Build your plate around healthy choices: Half your plate with fruits and vegetables, and fill in the rest with proteins, whole grains, and dairy

  • Stay hydrated: Water, clear non-caffeinated beverages, and food all count toward your daily fluid intake
  • Limit alcohol intake: Drink in moderation
  • Avoid/quit tobacco usage: Talk with your company about tobacco cessation programs
  • Walk more: 30 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day of the week

Wash your hands

Using soap and water remains the most effective method of hand washing.

  • An alcohol-based hand sanitizer (with at least 60% alcohol) is the recommended back-up plan as an alternate method of cleaning up surfaces and applying antibacterial ointments.

Develop healthy sleep habits

Adhering to a sleep schedule or bedtime rituals can reinforce your body’s “sleep-wake” cycle

  • See your primary care physician regularly
  • Set goals and work toward achieving them
  • Use S.M.A.R.T.S.H.E. criteria when setting your goals
