10 Life-Changing Questions to Ask Yourself Today

10 Life-Changing Questions to Ask Yourself Today
10 Life-Changing Questions to Ask Yourself Today

Happiness, life satisfaction and the daily habits of the most successful people are topics which researchers love to study. And what they consistently find is that individuals who reach the end of their lives feeling fulfilled, grateful and devoid of regrets do so by being intentional with how they handled themselves and their relationships with others.

How will your life be different in a year?

Think about what’s not perfect in your world, whether it’s a self-destructive habit, burdensome debt, loneliness or anything else

  • Considering that it takes 28 days to change an ingrained behavior, resolve now to invest one month in doing things differently

What have been your biggest mistakes?

Chances are, your mistakes taught you valuable lessons which strengthened your character. Take some inspiration from J.K. Rowling, who said “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

What nice thing can you do for someone else today?

Even little things can make a big difference in someone’s day.

Are you comfortable in your own skin?

The people who have the most fun are comfortable in their own skin.

  • Being comfortable in one’s own skin is the most important factor for having a great senior trip, and being able to enjoy yourself while doing so can help you reach your full potential.

How much do you worry about what others think?

You can never know what someone else thinks of you, so instead of worrying about it, be your most confident self and concentrate on what you want to communicate, ask good questions, and look people in the eyes.


90% of what you worry about never comes to fruition

What are you doing to invest in your relationships?

Love is the key to happiness

What do you do for fun?

Work-life balance is probably askew

  • On your deathbed you will never say “I wish I would have worked more.”
  • Working too much isn’t your problem.
  • You also won’t regret watching more TV.
