10 Myths About Creativity You Need to Stop Believing Now

10 Myths About Creativity You Need to Stop Believing Now
10 Myths About Creativity You Need to Stop Believing Now

Unravel the misconceptions surrounding creativity and liberate your innovative spirit. Let's debunk ten common myths that may be stifling your creative potential, and replace them with empowering truths to fuel your imagination and drive your originality.

Ten Myths of Creativity

Eureka myth: New ideas appear as a flash of insight

  • Breed myth: There is no such thing as a creative breed
  • Expert myth: Harder problems call for more experts
  • Incentive myth: Bigger incentives increase motivation and hence increase innovation productivity
  • Lone Creator myth: We tend to rewrite history to attribute breakthrough inventions and striking creative works to a sole person, ignoring supportive work and collaborative preliminary efforts
  • Brainstorming myth: Creativity is often a team effort
  • Cohesive myth: The most creative companies structure dissent and conflict into their process to better push their employees’ creative limits
  • Constraints myth: Creative people love constraints

Mousetrap myth

Once you have a new idea, the work is done.

  • Communicate it, market it, and find the right customers
  • There is always a better mousetrap out there waiting to be discovered.
  • It’s just a matter of how to find it.

What are the true components of business creativity?

Creativity is really driven by four separate components: domain expertise, a defined creativity methodology, people willing to engage, company acceptance of new ideas

  • If you believe your startup’s success depends on your company being more creative than its competitors, spend the time needed to understand and nurture the components of creativity in your environment
