10 Productivity Tips to Achieve More in Less Time

10 Productivity Tips to Achieve More in Less Time
10 Productivity Tips to Achieve More in Less Time

10 productivity tips that will help you narrow your focus, boost your energy and cut down your to-do list so you can achieve bigger results in less time. Photo by Roland Larsson on Unsplash All entrepreneurs want to leverage their time to increase their creativity and productivity.

Find your productivity style

Find your own productivity style that works for you

How to be more productive and work less

Productivity is about leveraging your time to deliver a result or complete a task in the most effective way possible

  • It’s about zeroing in on activities that create the biggest impact
  • Maximizing time and being productive is about getting clear on your important activities, and then spending your time doing only those activities on a consistent basis

Focus on your strengths to boost productivity

Be effective and work on your most important activities

  • Get crystal clear on the specific, measurable goals you want to achieve
  • A smaller number of goals and set time periods to achieve them in helps you stay focused
  • Clear goals make it easier to lay out monthly, weekly, and daily plans which will help you get super focused

Increase productivity by journaling

A journal can be used for many things.

  • Many entrepreneurs use it to record gratitude, ideas, and even to state exactly what they want to do.
  • Filter out the things you don’t want to pursue and identify the ideas and thoughts you want to take further.

Focus on your most valuable activities

Completing the big three activities boosts confidence and ensures you move forward in your progress every day.

  • If you’re worried about not completing smaller tasks, try listing them out and having a one-day blitz to complete everything. You can also work with people in your team or outsource these other activities.

How to reclaim your time

What difference would it make if you had the time freedom for goal setting, for strategic planning, and had more time to spend with the people who matter most? Free up more time for other important tasks, like working with your best clients and less on stuff?

  • To help maximize your productivity, download my FREE Daily Productivity Planner to help stay focused and productive.

Barriers to being productive

Distractions happen

  • Obstacles arise
  • You get pulled in various directions
  • Progress isn’t as quick as you want
  • At the end of the day, your most important activities haven’t been completed
  • Don’t feel like you’re constantly chasing

Find your personal productivity style

Some of us work better in the morning, whilst others are more night owls.

  • By getting up a bit earlier, you can use that time to exercise, lay out your 3 most important activities for the day, and get some much-needed rest.

Be intentional about managing your time

Ask yourself: Will this opportunity help me? What difference will it truly make? How does it fit with my goals? What’s the best possible result if I take up this opportunity? Am I excited about the opportunity?

Capture ideas

Write down big ideas, note down important points, and record everything that’s going on in your mind

Simplify your to-do list

To become more productive, strip everything back to focus on three or four of your most important activities every day.

Avoid stuff that reduces productivity

How much of your time is being used up on people and activities that just suck up your time?

  • Find out what activities bring you joy and excitement, motivate and inspire you, and utilize your best capabilities.
  • Explore outsourcing or delegating activities that don’t fit the above criteria.

Take more time out of your business

Recharge and boost energy by taking time off to rejuvenate physically and mentally.

The guide to improving your productivity

Leverage more of your time

  • Wake up with clarity around your goals and were clear on your most important activities
  • Have more energy and were excited about the work you were going to do
  • Feel like you had time abundance
