10 Rules for Success by Warren Buffets

10 Rules for Success by Warren Buffets

Warren Buffet started investing at seven and still reads more than ten newspapers and reports for hours. He is a dream chaser and the most successful investor in history. His company Berkshire Hathaway has shares of the most significant companies in the world and they earn with it hugely.

Find your passion

Being passionate is an innate quality, and everybody has remained passionate about something since childhood

Always be competing

Competitors never die

Hire well

Integrity, intelligence and energy are three main qualities to be found when hiring new people.

Have a competitive advantage

Competitive advantage is whatever you do in life; you must have a plus point from others doing the same thing

Don’t care what others think

Passion always makes you do things differently, which sometimes makes your life difficult.

Schedule for your personality

Life without proper timelines and schedules can never be satisfactory

Give unconditional love

Warren buffet says love from your family, society and parents always counts, and it boosts your morale by working harder and harder for them

Read read read

Reading is an immersive process that benefits an individual in multiple ways

Have a margin of safety

When you start investing and see a great opportunity and just start buying, and then suddenly the market crashes, and you start selling.


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