10 Toxic Habits that are Lowering Your Vibration (part 2)

10 Toxic Habits that are Lowering Your Vibration (part 2)
10 Toxic Habits that are Lowering Your Vibration (part 2)

Being positive is essential to living a happy and fulfilling life. However, sometimes we do things, without realizing that we do them, that actually lowers our vibration and drains our energy. So unless we become aware of these bad habits, they will continue to add toxicity to our lives and drain our positive energy.

Making decisions or doing things out of fear

Emotions of fear: hatred, anger, control, competition, aggression, worry, anxiety, distrust, disconnection, judgment, rigidity, separation, envy, jealousy, greed, comparison, resentment, dissatisfaction

  • Let love guide you and trust that when you are motivated by love, everything will fall into place

Mindless activities

These activities drain your energy, make you feel worse about yourself, and lower your vibrational frequency.

Addictive behaviors

Addictions are basically an attachment to some outside source or activity to fill some inner void or emptiness.

  • It is so important to start paying attention to your habits and be honest with yourself about how they make you feel and why you do them.

Eating bad, chemically enhanced, genetically modified, and highly processed foods and animal products

Everything has to work over time to get rid of the poison. When you consume all of these toxic foods, what do you think happens to your body?

  • Eventually, your body get diseased in the form of obesity, heart disease, diabetes, and so on because it can’t handle what you are putting in it.
  • We have to be conscious of what we eat, what we buy, and where we buy
  • Anything that is not aligned with truth, love, connection, and compassion is going to lower your vibration

Watching TV, especially of a violent nature

TV is mind control and is a form of conditioning

  • Even if you think you are watching an innocent film, a romantic comedy, or a lighthearted TV show, the messages you pick up from them still influence your world view at an unconscious level
  • Stay away from violent TV programs as it activates and reinforces fear which conditions you to be more fearful


It can be subtle, just lingering underneath the surface of your conversations, behaviors, and interactions without you even realizing it.

  • A negative perspective causes negative behavior patterns, so you have to pay attention to how you interact with the world in order to be able to let it all go and build better, more positive patterns.

Mistreating yourself, other people, animals, or the planet

Understand that life is interconnected and that one thing affects another (the law of cause and effect).

Drinking alcohol

Alcohol alters your mind and gives an initial buzz that makes you feel great temporarily, but when it wears off, it leaves you feeling low on energy, unmotivated, irritable, and feeling like you need more of it to make you happy.

  • Focus on finding true happiness within, without the help of a substance or chemical.

Using bad language

Swearing is not necessary to get the point across, and it is often used as a reaction to a negative emotion such as anger and disappointment.

  • If you tend to swear a lot, try to omit swear words from your conversations and see how effective you still are, and how much more respectable you sound.

Doing things that go against your values

Being inauthentic
