100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying

100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying
100 ways to slightly improve your life without really trying

A century of ways to make life better, with little effort involved. Whether it’s taking fruit to work (and to the bedroom!), being polite to rude strangers or taking up skinny-dipping, here’s a century of ideas that will make your life better without much effort.

Emotional blindspots

Plant spring bulbs

Learn to relax

Always book an extra day off after a holiday

  • Ignore the algorithm
  • Listen to music outside your usual taste
  • Mute or leave a WhatsApp group chat
  • Learn a TikTok dance
  • Cook something you’ve never attempted before
  • Join a litter-picking group
  • Don’t get a pet
  • Nap
  • Breathe deeply
  • Buy a bike and use it
  • Politely decline invitations if you don’t want to go
  • If you do go, have an exit strategy
  • Do that one thing you’ve been putting off
  • Give compliments widely and freely
  • Set up an affordable standing order to a charity
  • Read a book in your bag

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Sharpen your knives

Try the Pomodoro technique: 25 minutes on, 5-minute break, and repeat

  • Buy a cheap blender and use it to finely chop onions
  • Keep your children’s drawings and paintings in frames
  • Set aside 10 minutes a day to do something you really enjoy like reading a book

Take a photo of the tag you are given when leaving your coat in a cloakroom

Set time limits for your apps

  • Eat meat once a week, max.
  • Join your local library and use it
  • Stretch in the morning
  • Sleep with your phone in a different room (and buy an alarm clock)
  • Send postcards from your holidays
  • Buy a plant
  • Text to say thank you
  • Read a poem every day
  • Say hello to your neighbours
  • Learn the basics of repairing your clothes
  • Always bring something – wine, flowers – to a dinner/birthday party, even if they say not to
  • Every so often, search your email for the word “unsubscribe” and then use it on as many as you can
  • Hang your clothes up
  • Make something from scratch
  • Go to bed earlier – but don’t take your phone with you
