11 Actionable Steps To Switch From Consumer to Creator

11 Actionable Steps To Switch From Consumer to Creator
11 Actionable Steps To Switch From Consumer to Creator

Embarking on a journey from being a consumer to becoming a creator is a transformative experience. Discover 11 actionable steps that can guide you through this transition, empowering you to create, innovate, and contribute in ways you never thought possible.

Use What You Have

A lot of people never transition from consumers to creators because they don’t know what to create.

  • You can still squeeze something and show it to the world. Start creating things from the stuff you have laying around. Try different things.

Why be a creator?

You’ll be more fulfilled when you’re working towards something you love

  • Share your point of view and help the world get better
  • Distance yourself from the cursed consumer stage when you work on a project you adore
  • It’s easy to fall into the “always wanting more” mindset nowadays
  • 11 steps to switch from consumer to creator

Closing Thoughts

Making art and staring at art are different

  • The latter is a passive thing
  • You don’t get better while watching videos
  • Put into practice what you consume on a daily basis and make the switch from consumer to creator
  • Nowadays it is easier than ever to make something – the only problem remains the following: Are you willing to put into practice?

Don’t Get Distracted With Wanting More

You don’t need a lot of things to build a great product.

  • The consumer mindset will tell you that you should get more stuff in order to build the product. Don’t listen to it. You need to focus on the essential things.

Focus On Doing One Thing

Focus your efforts on solving one thing.

  • You can’t please everyone, no matter how hard you try. Focus on creating a product or service that will remedy one specific illness instead of trying to invent a magic pill that will cure all diseases.

You’ve read every book on the market about starting a business, but you feel empty inside

You continue to absorb information online and watch videos on YouTube because you feel like there is something missing

  • Only reading and watching stuff will get you closer to the desired results
  • It will convince you that you’re not ready and shoot you on the bench where you will be waiting for the perfect moment

Start Creating Every Single Day

Find some time to create something, no matter how small

  • Type a few words on your notebook
  • Prepare a dessert
  • Take a few pictures
  • Write a few sentences
  • Set an “create something” alarm for an hour and try different things

Draw A Line

When you’re in creating mode, do everything possible to restrain yourself from doing something else – like checking your phone.

  • Consider your HQ as your sanctuary – not talking is allowed. Only deep focused work
  • Draw a line between work and pleasure

Document Your Ideas

Even the dumbest ideas can turn into something useful

Don’t Try To Make It Perfect

Initially, the product will have flaws, but that’s just part of the process. You’ll first create and later you’ll refine.

Scratch Your Own Itch

The easiest way to design a great product is to make something you want to use

  • To invent, and document, a solution to your own problem
  • In 99% of the cases, other people are experiencing the same things and are looking for solutions

Decide Earlier What You’ll Do

Have a clear idea of what you will be doing the night before

  • When you know what’s your goal, you can be more organized
  • Don’t waste time trying to figure out what to do without a plan

Set clear goals

Define what you want in the beginning and set a clear deadline

  • Even if version 1.0 of the product you’re creating is not flawless until your deadline, have something to show and share with the world
  • Take note of the mistakes you make during the process and improve everything later

Set Up Headquarters

This will be a place where you will create stuff. The only thing you will do inside is make.

  • The location will depend on what you will be doing. The important thing is to adjust everything in this specific place to inspire you towards action.
