11 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

11 Signs of Low Self-Esteem
11 Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Self-esteem refers to a person’s overall sense of self-value. It is essentially your opinion about yourself. It can encompass a range of factors such as your sense of identity, your self-confidence, feelings of competence, and feelings of belonging. It plays an important role in a variety of areas in life, which is why having low self-esteem can be such a serious problem

Problems Asking for What You Need

When a person has low self-esteem, they may struggle to ask for what they need.

Lack of Control

People who have low self-esteem often feel that they have little control over their lives or what happens to them.

  • This might be due to the fact that they feel they have no ability to create changes either in themselves or in the world
  • Research has found that in situations where people do have limited control over what happens, having higher self esteem can help relieve some of the negative effects

Negative Social Comparison

Social comparison can sometimes serve a positive function and enhance a person’s sense of self

  • However, comparing yourself to others can also play a role in damaging self-esteem
  • Upward social comparison isn’t always bad.
  • Sometimes these comparisons can be a source of information and inspiration for improvement
  • If you often compare yourself unfavorably to people on social media sites such as Facebook and Instagram, your self- esteem may begin to take a hit

Focus on Hopeful Thoughts

Spend a little time each day focusing on positive, hopeful thoughts.

  • Think about times in the past when you have made it through something really difficult and remind yourself that even though you might not feel your best right now, you have the ability and strength to get through it.


Low self-esteem can take a toll on emotional well-being, so it is important to take steps to address your sense of self and get the support that you need.

Worry and Self-Doubt

Even after making a decision, people who have low self-worth often worry that they’ve made the wrong choice.

Practice Self-Acceptance

Let go of the idea that you need to be perfect in order to have value. Work on accepting who you are today

Trouble Accepting Positive Feedback

One 2017 study found that low self-esteem is directly correlated to not being able to accept or capitalize on compliments from others.

Poor Confidence

Low self-confidence and poor self-esteem can be related

  • Finding ways to gain confidence in yourself and your abilities can be helpful
  • Acquiring and practicing new skills is one tactic you might try to boost your confidence
  • Feel comfortable and confident navigating many different things you might encounter in life

Ways to Boost Low Self-Esteem

Do something that makes you feel good

Signs of Low Self-Esteem

Poor self-esteem can affect a person’s thoughts, emotions, and behavior.

  • Some people with low self esteem talk negatively about themselves while others go out of their way to make sure that other people are pleased with them.
  • In either case, this lack of personal worth and value can have a serious negative impact on a person’s life and wellness.

Care for Yourself

Poor self-esteem can leave you feeling like you don’t deserve care and consideration. Work on reminding yourself that you need care and look for things that you can do to show kindness to yourself.

Forgive Yourself

Learn how to forgive yourself and move on.

Poor Outlook

Low self-worth also causes people to feel that there is little chance that the future will be any better.

Lack of Boundaries

Children who have caregivers that show them that they are respected and valued are more likely to be able to create good boundaries in adult relationships

  • People who don’t value themselves can have a difficult time setting boundaries
  • They may feel guilty or fear that people will stop liking them if they try to establish or maintain a boundary

A Word From Verywell

While everyone struggles with their confidence once in a while, low self-esteem can affect your ability to feel happy and can even make you more susceptible to mental health conditions such as anxiety and depression.

  • Changing your view of yourself may take some time and effort, but over time you can learn to better see and appreciate yourself

Value yourself

Think of yourself as you would a friend.

  • How would you treat someone you care about if you were in the same situation?
  • You may find that you would give them understanding, patience, empathy, and kindness-so it is important to show yourself the same unconditional support.

Trying to Please Others

In order to gain external validation, people who don’t feel good about themselves may go above and beyond to make sure that other people are comfortable and happy. This often involves neglecting their own needs, saying yes to things they may not want to do, and feeling guilty about saying no.

Low self esteem is linked to a number of mental health problems including:


  • Eating disorders
  • Emotional distress
  • Risky behaviors
  • Substance use
  • Stress
  • Low self-esteem can make it more difficult to achieve your goals and form healthy, supportive relationships.
  • People who have low self esteem are also more likely to be at risk for suicidal thinking.

Get Some Outside Support

Share your struggles with someone else who can offer unconditional support.

  • Having a network of caring people who value you and want you to value yourself can be helpful as you work toward improving your self-esteem.
  • Being open about your struggles can help you find the support you need in order to get the help you need.

Negative Self-Talk

Low self-esteem causes people to focus on their flaws rather than their strengths.

Fear of Failure

People with low self-esteem doubt their ability to achieve success
