11 Tips for Career Success

11 Tips for Career Success
11 Tips for Career Success

Career success depends on who you ask. Each of us defines it differently. The one thing all of us have in common is that, given the amount of time we spend at work, we want to at least like what we’re doing every day. We also want to be appreciated by our bosses and co-workers.

Choose Your Occupation Wisely

When you choose an occupation, make sure it’s a good match for your personality, interests, aptitudes, and work-related values.

  • Conduct extensive career research about the occupation you are considering to learn about job duties, qualifications, earnings, and employment outlook.

Own your mistakes

While your instinct may be to run away and hide, that is the worst thing you can do. Admitting your error, finding a way to fix it, or at least taking an action that mitigates its effects, will help restore your reputation.

Don’t Beat Yourself Up

When you make a mistake, admit it, fix it, and move on

Lose the Negative Attitude

Some people see only the negative side of things and always find something about which to complain. Don’t be that person.

  • A negative attitude saps your energy. Look for ways to fix problems instead of just complaining.

Don’t Be Afraid to Ask for Help

As much as you think you know, you don’t know it all.

  • There are people with more experience than you, and with that experience comes knowledge. To get access to it, you need experienced colleagues, in addition to your peers, in your network.

Listen More Than You Speak

You can learn a lot by listening, and you could miss a lot if you don’t.

  • Careful listening will prevent misunderstanding and help you build rapport with others
  • Practicing these habits will set you up for success, regardless of your career path.

Always Acknowledge People Who Help You

It may sound simple to acknowledge those who offer assistance, but it’s genuinely a significant gesture.

Be Your Own Cheerleader

Root for yourself. Take note of and pride in all your successes and positive attributes.

Don’t Let Anyone Tell You What Choice Is Best for You

Ignore those who say, “Pick this field because it has lots of opportunities right now.”

  • Your career choice is a personal decision that will have a significant effect on your life for many years.
  • The relationship between earnings and job satisfaction is minimal.

Measure Your Own Success

Your satisfaction with your career is strongly linked to whether you feel you have met your own goals

  • Since each of us measures success differently, you are the only one who can decide what it is you define success
  • Success is something you determine for yourself

Never Feel Like You Are Stuck

If you don’t like where you are, move.

  • Remember, you are not a tree. You can always return to the same spot if you want to, but be open to the possibility of a new challenge and direction.
