12 major things to do at the beginning of every month

12 major things to do at the beginning of every month
12 major things to do at the beginning of every month

Embarking on a new month can be a fresh start, a chance to set goals and establish productive habits. Let's explore 12 significant tasks that, when tackled at the onset of each month, can streamline your life and boost your efficiency.

Self-improvement is not a one-time event

We need to set our intentions and start with a clean slate month after month to achieve our goals to turn a year into the year we hoped to make

  • 12 things to do at the beginning of every month
  • Take some time out to be intentional and clear your head

Set your planner

A goal without a plan is just a wish

  • Create a plan
  • This plan must consist of actionable things that will move you towards reaching your goals
  • At the beginning of every month, write out a plan for your blogging goals, exercise routine, and daily routine

Pay/schedule your bills

Make a list of all the bills you have due or are upcoming on a monthly basis

Make/update your lists

Keeping lists help you be organized and have everything in one place

Reflect on your previous month

To deliberately give time for reflection means that you are deliberately putting your personal growth journey into your charge

  • How did my previous month go?
  • What happened on the previous month that I am grateful for? What didn’t go so well? Why? How can I do better this time? What did I learn last month

Clean and Declutter

Set the first week of each month for cleaning and decluttering purpose

  • Decutter to feel like you are starting the month ahead in a clean slate
  • You don’t have to do everything at once, you can start with small things and work your way up

Write down your goals

Set monthly goals to move you closer to your major goals.

  • Make sure you write them down so you can see them in real-time to make them easier to reach your goals easier to achieve
  • Don’t have more than 3 goals because you want to keep your focus narrow

Mark events/meetings on your calendar

Having something visible that you are working on gives you more enthusiasm

  • You can keep track of any of your habit or start a 30-day challenge and track it down in a wall calendar
  • You can also track your progress about your blogging stats

Choose how you want to treat yourself

Be mindful about what actually gives you happiness, refreshment and the good feeling.

  • For this, keep atleast 10% of income for your fun expenses and you can use this as a gift to yourself, doing whatever you wish guilt free.

Write down your prayers

Prayers are simply our intentions that we want to put our attention to.

  • Once we write our own prayers, I feel we make our intentions more powerful. It brings in more awareness in us and puts us forward in trying to achieve our goals.

Make one investment for yourself

Two things you can invest: time and money

  • If you don’t have money, you can always invest your time in learning or doing something which will benefit in the future
  • Keep 10% of your income solely for the purpose of investing
  • It keeps the flow of money alive

Check your money situation

Know exactly how much money you owe to someone or something, and how much you are left with after your savings and after all your expenses

  • Calculate how much your budget is after paying all recurring expenses and savings
  • This helps you stay on track with your financial situation and is a good way to stay stress free

Choose a book to read

Pick a book or series of books to read at the beginning of each month

  • You’ll be more likely to read them over the course of a year
  • With the amount of time and content we consume on social media, if we give 10-20 minutes a day for reading, we can easily finish 2-3 books in a month
