12 Science and History ‘Facts’ That Changed Since You Were in School

12 Science and History ‘Facts’ That Changed Since You Were in School

Remember those science and history 'facts' from your school days? Prepare to have your knowledge updated. As science advances and historical perspectives shift, what we once held as truth may no longer stand. Let's explore 12 such 'facts' that have evolved over time.

In the age of misinformation and disinformation, we need to be better about fact-checking

Fundamental truths we were taught as kids were never true

Is it a brontosaurus or an apatosaurus?

Brontosaurus, as we know it, was actually the Apatosaurus.

Your ears and nose don’t keep growing your whole life

As you age, gravity causes cartilage in your ear and nose to break down and sag, which results in droopier, longer features.

Medieval Europe looked a lot different than you think

Much of the information about medieval Europe is wrong

Pluto, what are you?

Many of us are confused about this because it most definitely was a planet back when we had to memorize the order of the planets, starting with Mercury, which is closest to the sun, and ending with Pluto.

Why Water in a Camel’s Hump?

A camel’s hump does not store water.

Salem Witch Trials

“Witches” were not burned at the stake in Salem-they were hanged.

Electrons don’t orbit the nucleus

Instead, scientists call these “orbitals” or “electron clouds” bizarrely shaped places where the electron is most likely to be.

Raindrops are not tear-shaped

They more accurately are shaped like the top of a hamburger bun, or maybe a bean

We might have a new continent, too

There are not 12 continents, but there may very well be eight

The Great Wall of China is not visible from space

Most astronauts have said the wall’s materials blend into its surroundings too much to be discernible with the naked eye, but some have made out roads, airport runways, irrigation ditches, and bridges that are made of materials that do make them stand out from the surroundings.

Well before humans even went into space, there was speculation about the wall’s visibility

Misinformation about the barrier’s visibility dates back decades


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