14 Tips for Getting Stronger Erections—and Staying Hard

14 Tips for Getting Stronger Erections—and Staying Hard
14 Tips for Getting Stronger Erections—and Staying Hard

Embark on a journey to enhance your virility with our 14 expert tips. Discover how to achieve stronger erections and maintain them, improving your sexual health and confidence. Let's delve into the world of male potency, exploring scientifically-backed methods and lifestyle changes.

Put the cigarettes away

Smoking is a known cause of impotence, and there’s some evidence that smoking affects erection strength-and size.

  • In addition to damaging blood vessels, smoking may cause damage to ****** tissue itself, making it less elastic and preventing it from stretching.”

Try ED medication.

If all else fails, there is ED treatment in the form of drugs, such as ****** and Cialis. Talk to your doctor about whether the option is right for you-and know that men’s wellness brands like Hims and Romans both prescribe ED medication online and then deliver them straight to your door.

Get plenty of sleep

Your penis needs as much shut-eye as you can get.

Keep a pot of coffee on

Coffee can actually help you out below the belt.

Stay faithful

Guilt can turn to anxiety, and that can kill an erection.

The penis is the most temperamental part of a man’s body.

It responds poorly to alcohol, even when you’re in a sexually arousing situation

  • 15 percent of men in the prime of their life have a hard time getting hard at least occasionally
  • Only 20 percent said they could get a healthy enough erection for sex most of the time

Try a cock ring.

A cock ring is an O-shaped toy that fits around your penis and helps keep blood in the shaft, where you want it

  • There are four types of cock rings: Adjustable, Stretchy, Vibrating, and Solid


Nothing encourages bloodflow like aerobic exercise

  • Builds nitric oxide, which helps maintain erections
  • Stay off the bike if you can help it
  • Endurance cyclists who spend a long time on their bike seats may have more trouble with ED

Get your testosterone levels checked

Low testosterone doesn’t directly affect the mechanisms involved in your erection, but it does affect your ****** making it harder to get turned on and hard.

  • If you notice an uncharacteristic drop in your sex drive or any of these symptoms of low testosterone, ask your doc if your T levels are low.

Take it easy when you’re thrusting

One vigorously misplaced thrust is all it takes to rupture the corposa cavernosa, the elongated “erectile chambers” that run the length of your penis.

  • A complete rupture will require surgery within 24 hours to stanch internal bleeding and reduce the risk of permanent damage. A partial tear isn’t as serious, but it may cause problems later on.

Lose your gut

Diabetes is the quickest route to celibacy

  • 50% of men are impotent due to diabetes
  • Men who are sloppy about controlling their blood sugar have 70% more erection problems than those who stay on top of it
  • Staying trim is the best way to avoid diabetes

Get a vasectomy

The risk of a contraceptive failure can be a big source of anxiety for some men, especially those who’ve had a birth-control disaster-or a scare-in the past.

  • A properly performed vasectomy has an effectiveness rate of 99.9 percent. At $1,500, it’s a bargain compared with college tuition.

Walk more

The more you exercise, the healthier, cleaner, and more flexible your blood vessels become.

  • Deposits that clog or stiffen ****** arteries can also wilt erections, so exercise makes your arteries healthier and cleaner to begin with.

Yawn a lot

Yawning and getting an erection are practically the same thing

  • They’re both controlled by a chemical called nitric oxide
  • Allow yourself to yawn periodically throughout the day to help prime the neurochemical pathways that lead to good, sturdy erections

Watch what you eat

The Mediterranean diet-which includes fruits, whole grains, heart-healthy fats like nuts and olive oil, red wine, and vegetables-is a good place to start

  • “The link between the Mediterranean diet and improved sexual function has been scientifically established” Irwin Goldstein, MD, director of sexual medicine at Alvarado Hospital in San Diego
