Mobile apps can turn into massive successes or unmitigated failures, and the difference often comes down to the amount of hard work and care that went into development. If you’re creating an app, do your research, choose the best development approach, & make sure you have the right tools in place before you start building your first feature.

Inefficient Marketing Strategy

Create a solid marketing strategy for your product before building it

  • Know who you want to reach and what you’re going to say before making an app or mobile site.
  • Effective marketing means maintaining awareness across multiple channels at all times which requires preparation ahead of time.

Poor Customer Support

Slow response times, miscommunication, and inadequate training can derail any mobile app.

  • How you handle customers speaks volumes about your brand identity, ensuring that it’s consistent across all channels. Have the perfect game plan before you launch so that when questions arise, you know exactly how to handle them.

Final Words

If you’re in it for success, be sure to avoid these common pitfalls discussed above! If you avoid all of these mistakes, your chances of becoming successful will significantly increase.

  • However, if you’re still not sure what you want to do with an app or why you want one in the first place-don’t worry! It never hurts to know your options.

Missing Timely Delivery of the App

Users are more likely to download your app if it is available on their device when they need it

  • Take advantage of prototyping software and tools to create, test and deploy your mobile app in just days
  • If you opt for custom development, expect an average nine-month lead time before you can deliver your first mobile app

Unfriendly User Interface

It would help if you had an easy-to-use user interface that allows people to get straight into your application and get value from it.

  • Try and keep things simple to avoid losing customers before they ever use your product. If you make it hard for people to figure out how to use your app, they won’t stick around for long.

Failing to Choose the Right Launching Platform

Identify which mobile platform-iOS, Android, Windows Phone – and ecosystem best fits your product and customers.

  • Make sure you are developing for it properly and hire app programmers with experience. You can also choose not to develop an app if your business model doesn’t require one.

Incorrect App Store Optimization

Getting an app into those stores isn’t enough to drive significant growth and achieve success.

Not Resolving Real-World Problems

If no one wants to use your app, there won’t be much point in launching it

  • Make sure your solution adds value to what people are already doing with their time & money
  • It may be cute or fun, but if it doesn’t solve a real-world problem no one will use it

Can I hire a developer at a rate as low as $5 per hour?

Many companies market to newbie programmers offering them upfront money and promising a big project at a meager cost

  • But what about quality? Is there any point in paying next to nothing for an app if it doesn’t look good or fails on any platform?

Lack of Target Audience Research

Conducting usability testing and surveys is a great way to understand better who your target audience is

  • To avoid developing an app no one wants, research before starting development to ensure you’re making something people want
  • By reading through mobile user research data, mobile UX experts can develop solutions that truly solve problems for users

Buggy Updates Lacking User Feedback Consideration

Customers may love a feature when it first launches, but chances are their feelings will change over time.

  • To avoid driving users away with updates, make sure to incorporate user feedback into development cycles from start to finish.

Overlooking Security Threats

Even with apps earning more access to our phones, which essentially hold all our essential information, companies still fail to see mobile app security as a priority.

  • To keep your business information safe & secure from hackers, consider investing in Mobile app security software or services.


Startups often spend all their money on design and development, leaving little for testing, promotion, support, or maintenance.

  • What are the risks for running out of money?
  • Have you tested your assumptions about how much it will cost to launch your product?
  • What are your options if things don’t go as planned?

Insufficient Testing Time for the App

If you do not put in enough time in testing your app or use adequate testing tools, it can fail to get your app into people’s hands

  • Don’t fall victim to cutting corners
  • Make sure your app gets thoroughly tested before launching

Coding Flaws

Make sure your mobile app has been built well from a technical standpoint

  • If it doesn’t work when it launches or contains bugs that make it difficult for users to navigate, you could be in trouble
  • Underestimating UX Challenges
  • User experience is a huge factor in determining whether a mobile app succeeds or fails
  • It will help if you put as much time into making sure your UX is as good as possible with development

Bad Prototyping

Too many developers, designers, and project managers view prototypes as something to do only when necessary

  • Great prototyping can save you time and money by helping you visualize your ideas early on and answer questions before they become issues
  • Even if you think you know everything about what you want to build in advance, prototype quickly to see how things will look and to identify problems or missing elements

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