15 Ways You Can Find The Confidence To Speak Up

15 Ways You Can Find The Confidence To Speak Up
15 Ways You Can Find The Confidence To Speak Up

Unleashing the power of your voice can be a daunting task. Yet, with the right strategies, you can find the confidence to speak up. Discover 15 transformative ways to overcome your fears and express yourself with conviction and clarity.

To help you find your voice, and to feel more confident and comfortable with expressing how you feel, members of Forbes Coaches Council suggest you do the following:

Take small steps before you run

  • Identify Occasions You Feel Comfortable Speaking
  • Write down what you’re going to say
  • Develop Your Skills In Lower-Risk Environments
  • Define Why Your Voice Is Important
  • Start a conversation with yourself about why your voice is important
  • Practice and practice often

Take Action, Rather Than Seeking Perfection First

Visualize the conversation first, then act

  • Phrase Statements Through ‘I Think’ and ‘This is Why’
  • Focus On Facts, Not Emotions
  • Pay Attention To Your Body And Verbal Language
  • Let Go Of Outcomes
  • If you let go of the outcome, and share for the sake of sharing and speaking up, you can be less attached to the outcome

‘Act As If’ To Build Confidence And Credibility

Changing who you are starts with doing. The easiest path is to “act as if.”

  • Be an advocate for others who you see having a tough time getting their opinion out there.
  • Wait For The Better Opportunity
  • Effective listeners are just as important as the noisy meeting attendee who fills the room with their voice and importance. Listen and watch the patterns of their behavior and speaking style. You will then find your sweet spot.
