Professional networking is often a loaded term. Some people hate the phrase because they think it’s an inauthentic way of boosting one’s career. Others understand the need for it, but are uncomfortable doing it. Dorie Clark, a popular LinkedIn Learning instructor and author of the new book, The Long Game, shares three types of networking she reveals in her book.

Short-term networking

This is the type of networking when you introduce yourself to someone new for only one purpose: you need them for a job, an investment, or a sale.

  • It makes you look desperate and you should never try to forge new relationships under those circumstances.
  • No ‘asks’ for a year.

Long-term networking

The best networkers think long term. Identify people in your field who are doing cool things or whose work you admire.

  • You don’t have a specific ask in mind: all you know is that this person is worth getting to know.

Infinite horizon networking

Only the most masterful networkers engage in this type of relationship

  • Build relationships with people whose expertise seems irrelevant to you today
  • They might not be useful to you in the short term, but they have the potential to be your most transformative relationship because they expose you to new ideas and opportunities
