Motivation is fueled by both nonrenewable and renewable sources. Renewable fuels create sustainable energy, whereas nonrenewable fuels lead to burnout. Without realizing it, many of us plug into the nonrenewable fuel of fear as a motivator. Here are three quick tips for plugging into renewable, sustainable fuels for motivation that will enable you to achieve more without burning out.
Use your zone of genius
- You’ll know you’re in your zone when it feels like fun
- You’ll actually be energized rather than drained by what you’re doing
- The love of your work is the most energizing, renewable fuel of motivation
- When you’re connected to the love you feel for your work, you also access limitless inspiration, creativity, and possibilities
Connect to your personal vision and mission
- Focus on why what you’re doing matters
- Imagine what it looks like when your vision comes to fruition and anchor into that
- Connect every action to your mission and vision which will inspire and energize you
- Before knocking out your to-do list, anchor into the vision you have for this project
Relax your nervous system
- Schedule relaxation into your calendar
- It can be a walk outside, time in nature, deep intentional breaths, meditation, yoga, music, or reading
- If you choose to exercise for relaxation, make sure you aren’t pushing yourself to 100% capacity, but that you move at a pace that allows full breaths and connection to sensations in your body