Every company wants someone that has both data analytics and software engineering skills. It’s the best bang for their buck in hiring one person. Here are some signs it may also be the ideal role for you and your skill set. This article was originally published here and has been updated to reflect recent job postings.

Like to be involved in both engineering and business strategy

As an analytics engineer, the business teams are your stakeholders. You interact with them every day.

  • You help point them in the right direction based on the analyses you present. You work together to inform and drive decisions in marketing, growth, and product.

Writing SQL is your biggest superpower

You need to know the most efficient way to write and run your code so that these models are fast and dependable.

  • Practice and repetition truly make perfect!
  • More importantly, you need to enjoy writing SQL. If you don’t enjoy this language, you may find the role repetitive and boring

You’ve found great success in setting up systems

You thrive off of processes and organization

  • Build data pipelines, structure the data warehouse, set data governance practices, and document data models
  • Be the one to build these from the ground up and put them into motion
  • Have a lot of impact and are confident in your skills
