33 Productive Things You Can Do at Home

33 Productive Things You Can Do at Home

If global or local circumstances require you to remain at home right now, you may be struggling with changes to your routine. Here’s a list of productive things you can do at home to make the most of your time. Even when conditions improve and normal routines resume, keep these ideas on hand! They make great down-time activities for anyone, anytime.

Go for a daily walk

Find a safe outdoor space, such as your neighborhood or backyard, and get out in the sun every day

Start a garden

Research plants that do well in your area, find the perfect spot in your yard, and prepare the area

Work from home

Freelance websites can help you look for temporary work online.

Start your family tree

Explore your history and feel connected to your past and your family

Take inventory of your belongings

Make a list of everything you have and update it regularly

Find a way to serve

Serve others by bringing groceries to someone at risk or helping someone set up a home office.


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