35 CV Raman Quotes for Success, Life Lessons and Inspiration

35 CV Raman Quotes for Success, Life Lessons and Inspiration
35 CV Raman Quotes for Success, Life Lessons and Inspiration

Every man in the world is just a dupe of another by birth. What makes him an individual is his deeds and achievements carried out in life. CV Raman is the best epitome of this where he planted himself strong enough to inspire people with his deep understanding of life.

Growth of a Country

Real growth of a country was in hearth, minds, bodies, and souls of young men and women

The essence of science is independent thinking, hard work, and not equipment

When I got my Nobel Prize, I had spent hardly 200 rupees on my equipment.

CV Raman

An Indian who has never been to university but is recognized for his work in art

  • He cites his friend Asutosh Dey as an inspiration who hasn’t had a university education but is an inspiration for his exceptional work
  • Fight for what you have, fight hard to hit your aim

The true wealth of a nation lies in the intellectual and physical strength of its people

A country’s wealth does not mean simply currency but also the prosperity of intellects

The late Dr. Mahendra Lal Sircar

founding the Indian Association for the Cultivation of Science, made it possible for the scientific aspirations of my early years to continue burning brightly.

  • This one among all CV Raman’s quotes spotlights the person who has been a reason for his accomplishment.

On Earth

The sunlit face of the earth would appear to shine by the light diffused back into space from the land and water-covered areas.

The idealism of student days finds adequate opportunity for expression in the later life of manhood

CV Raman

  • “Learning is limitless and not restricted to a particular period of time”
  • This is one of the encouraging CV Ramnan quotes, descriptive of the fact that learning is limitless.

Science is a fusion of man’s aesthetic and intellectual functions devoted to the representations of nature

It is therefore the highest form of creative art

  • Hence, it is considered the best creative art.
  • A must think upon verse out of all CV Raman quotes.

Keep experimenting

‘Keep experimenting on every single real-time event.’


The whole edifice of modern physics is built up on the fundamental hypothesis of the atomic or molecular constitution of matter

The Albedo of the Earth

The albedo pretty much finely defines the way we take things. Lighter colours reflect back more to seem bright and vice versa for the darker cases.

Fundamental science cannot be driven by instructional, industrial, governmental, or military pressures

This is why I decided, as far as possible, not to accept money from the government.

  • A true achiever always wants to be self-made at the cost of his own blood and sweat

Women have one quality – the quality of devotion

Let us not imagine that intellect is a sole prerogative of males, in Science.

  • Science field is a sector where we could find male achieving more when compared to women
  • CV Raman encourages the womanizers out there to show off their devotion to the fullest

Poverty can be the reason for your obsession but can never be the boundary for success

While the fulfilled people get chances to try less, people struggling to get the prerequisites practice on these tries to make it easier to attain their destiny.

  • Hard work is the path to success

Find a spirit of victory

a spirit that will carry us to our rightful place under the sun, a spirit which will recognize that we, as inheritors of a proud civilisation, are entitled to a rightful place on this planet.

  • Find a purpose to live. Make that purpose to flourish your civilization and planet you live in.

Learning needs an understanding of concepts rather than the facts

The willingness to learn arises when the concept is clear

Success can come to you by courageous devotion

Never lose an opportunity, may it be tiny or massive

  • Handling the opportunity with responsibility will never nullify the courageous drive towards success
  • Whatever you get, grab it, own it, test it, and implement it with all devotion and dedication

CV Raman quotes

“I took the decision of using brilliant monochromatic illumination obtained by the aid of the commercially available mercury arcs sealed in quartz tubes.”

  • Towards the end of February 1928, he wrote, “… I took a decision of… using brilliant, monochrome illumination… [to] mark the word’sustained development’.”

It is generally believed that it is the students who derive benefit by working under the guidance of a professor.

In reality, the professor benefits equally by his association with gifted students working under him

If someone judges you, they are wasting space in their mind. Best part, it’s their problem.

No one is worth you to judge you. Do not take it to your mind or heart because both may turn venomous.

  • Drop it and proceed with your job, take opinions alone.

What is needed in India today is the destruction of that defeatist spirit

The inferiority complex and hesitance are the two main conspirators of one’s motive

  • Break the ice to see yourself flying out in colours.
  • Counterattack your defeater in you before you worry for success

Molecular diffraction

The fundamental importance of the subject of molecular diffraction came first to be recognized through the theoretical work of Lord Rayleigh on the blue light of the sky, which he showed to be the result of the scattering of sunlight by the gases of the atmosphere.

Light Scattering

It seemed, indeed, that the study of light-scattering might carry one into the deepest problems of physics and chemistry, and it was this belief which led to the subject becoming the main theme of our activities at Calcutta from that time onwards.

Ask the right questions

Right questions lead to your quest, bad questions will pave circles to no destination

  • CV Raman quote
  • This suggests that as far as Science and nature are concerned, the beauty of the universe is unveiled upon our discoveries until then they are left as secrets.

Selfishness ruins success

The most important moral a person should carry out in life is gratitude.

  • A grateful among all CV Raman quotes, delivers his gratitude towards his colleague and his praises for his co-worker is selfless. This is a must quality in one’s success.

Wherever you go, your knowledge is your survival

CV Raman

Treat me right and you will see the light

Being humane is essential

  • All a man needs is respect and right treatment which reflects back as such
  • If he fails to do so, the reflection will be serious enough to blow the enemy out
  • This is one of the best CV Raman quotes

5 Habits of Highly Effective People

I am the master of my failure… If I never fail how will I ever learn.

  • Failure is the best teacher
  • No person is perfect unless they hones their personality from the experiences that they have had failures

The essence of the scientific spirit is to realize what a wonderful world it is that we live in

As you mine deeper, the more you explore and so is this world.

  • Science can only be the miner to traverse and realise the place we are blessed with.

Don’t be reluctant with your knowledge, ace your skills

CV Raman

There is a point of emergence

Every invention and discovery is a foundation to grow new and more out of it.

  • Hence, this quote of CV Raman foregrounds the idea that this is the beginning, yet to discover a lot- we have a lot of discoveries to make.

Once the fire of determination is ignited in you, there can be no chances of diminishment to get demotivated.

CV Raman

  • 25 years after the date of publication of his first research work, here are some reflections on some of the key points he made in his book.

Learn from the people in your life

You can’t always choose who comes into your life but you can learn what lesson they teach you

  • When one is able to make good decisions, it is easy to segregate the thoughts embedded by them into good and bad columns
  • Practice, practice, practice!
