Finding and using different types of marketing strategies can make your brand stronger and your customers more likely to convert. If you try something new and unexpected, you attract engaged followers and consumers who want to learn more. Here are 36 distinct marketing strategies and tactics that you can use to grow your business.

Point-of-Purchase Marketing (POP)

Upsell to the customer near the place where he or she makes a purchase

  • Optimize every stage of the checkout process for upselling
  • Example: When a customer checks out by purchasing a course, include a message about a related course and a link to add that course to the cart


You can try all of these different marketing strategies to figure out which resonates best with your audience

  • Start by analyzing your current marketing efforts and test them
  • Test the marketing strategies that you think will prove most effective
  • The more data collected, the more targeted your marketing messages become

Outbound Marketing

Outbound marketing is the oldest form of marketing. It’s used to reach out to many different types of people.

Inbound Marketing

Inbound marketing refers to any marketing activity that attracts leads to your business like a magnet.

  • Instead of running a television commercial or developing a blind PPC campaign, you start an email list, publish content for free, build a presence on social media, and ask for people’s permission before you contact them.


Storytelling is a technique that allows you to reach your audience on an emotional level.

  • You can tell your brand story, a personal story, or the story of one of your customers (with his or her permission).
  • It gives your content a backbone and helps customers and leads relate to you.

Co-Branding and Affinity Marketing

Co-branding or affinity marketing refers to a partnership between two organizations that have common interests and audiences.

  • They aren’t direct competitors, so they don’t stand to lose leads to their partners, but they gain access to each others’ followers.

Email Campaigns

Segment your audience and use opt-in forms on your Kajabi website to allow users to sign up.

  • Send emails that contain educational content, information about sales, discounts, coupon codes, and more. Use email campaigns to directly tie you to your audience.

Direct Selling

Meet with potential customers face-to-face to discuss the role your products or services might play in their lives.

  • Need excellent sales skills and a gregarious, extroverted personality to generate sufficient excitement and energy during these events. e.g. Amway, Avon

Social Media Marketing

People are posting value-rich content on social media, driving traffic to their sales and landing pages while building brand awareness and creating relationships with their audience members.

Referral Programs

This type of marketing strategy relies on your existing customers to bring aboard new ones.

Networking Events

Step out from behind your computer screen and meet people in the real world

  • Networking events offer the ideal environment for reaching people who might enjoy your online courses
  • Research local events and get a booth so you can talk to people
  • Bring literature to hand out and include your Kajabi website address

Article Marketing

Write articles based on your business’s core purpose and industry

If you want to grow your business fast, paid media advertising might offer the most efficient solution.

Search Engine Optimization

Use Latent Semantic Indexing (LSI) keywords to help your content become more contextually relevant to both users and search engines.

  • Search engines like Google want to serve up content that will give readers value. Using primary and LSI keywords can help you rank higher in the SERPs for that reason.


Instead of paying to advertise your brand in front of unqualified leads and total strangers, you retarget people who have interacted with your business before

  • Ad retargeting on Facebook allows you to put a Pixel on your website and have users see an ad for your brand on their homepage

Word-of-Mouth Advertising

Customers mention your online course on social media or write a blog post about it.

Business-to-Consumer (B2C)

A marketing strategy that is designed for a company that markets its products or services directly to consumers

Build Your Marketing Plan

Choose which marketing strategies work best for your brand, then implement them in a strategic way.

Contest Marketing

This type of marketing works well on social media platforms such as Instagram and Facebook.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing results in original content by a blogger or social media personality who recommends your digital products to his or her audience.

Behavioral Marketing

Take advantage of data to tailor marketing messages to specific consumers

Search Engine Marketing

Generate massive ROI through search engine marketing (SEM).

  • Create unique, value- and data-driven content to generate backlinks and make your content more appealing to the search engines.
  • Optimize meta tags, images, and other on-page elements so people can find your content through long-tail keywords

Business-to-Business (B2B)

One business markets its products or services to another business or organization.

Growth Hacking

Generates massive growth in a short period of time by “hacking” a marketing strategy to make it more effective


Market to different segments of your customer base

Augmented Reality Marketing

This is a forward-thinking marketing strategy that brings the third dimension into your marketing efforts.

Guest Posting

This is a great way to briefly hijack someone else’s platform to gain more eyes for your own content and digital products.

  • Include a call to action (CTA) at the end of the post with a link back to the sales page that would most appeal to that blog’s audience.

Content Marketing

It’s an effective strategy that drives organic traffic from the search engines and converts visitors into loyal followers.

  • Develop a content marketing editorial calendar, figure out how often you want to create content, and develop ideas months in advance
  • Consider building a social media presence as well.

Affiliate Marketing

Gain more customers quickly by using affiliate marketing

Cause Marketing

Partner with a nonprofit or not-for-profit organization

  • You’re using your business to help customers give back to their communities
  • A cause marketing strategy requires a partnership that benefits both parties
  • If you want to excel at cause marketing, you need a clear link between your business and the cause

Employee Marketing

Don’t overlook employees when you’re building a marketing strategy.

  • Build a stable of engaged employees who are ready to promote your business and help it achieve the goals you outlined for it
  • Employees can spread the word about your business to friends, family members, and neighbors

Marketing Strategy Definition

A series of steps you take to engage your leads and customers – ultimately guiding them to a purchase decision

  • Different types of marketing strategies are designed to achieve different goals
  • Use your marketing strategy to target consumers at different stages in the sales funnel
  • You can use the metrics you generate from these strategies to pin down your customers’ buying journeys

Internet Marketing

This is an umbrella term that covers multiple types of marketing, from social and email to blogging and landing pages.

  • It should also cover metrics that you might collect from your efforts such as bounce rates, traffic data, etc
  • Use Google Analytics to track your progress and make adjustments as necessary

Earned Media/PR

Free exposure via public relations

  • Does not require exchange of funds
  • Highly transparent and honest
  • Do not have to pay for or create the media
  • Brand ambassadors do not need to earn any incentive to spread the word
  • People trust earned media


Think about why you started the business in the first place.

  • What drives you to create online courses and other digital products?
  • Why are you passionate about it? Use your answer to define every aspect of your brand.
  • Include physical manifestations of your business, company culture, voice, tone, and structure.

Social Networks and Viral Marketing

Getting your brand in front of as many people as possible is the ultimate goal, and viral marketing via social networks can make it happen

  • Use lots of visual imagery
  • Piggyback on a trending or popular subject
  • Ask your followers to share the content
  • Offer an incentive for sharing the content


Think of your customer’s journey as a series of touchpoints. Each will be unique depending on how your customer found out about you and the steps necessary to convert him or her.

  • Analyze the touchpoints that your customers hit most frequently so you can optimize them and create a positive impression.

Transactional Marketing

Convince the user to spend more during each transaction by offering other products, placing ads in conspicuous places, and providing incentives for upsells.
