4 habits of successful Olympians you can use to be more competitive at work

4 habits of successful Olympians you can use to be more competitive at work

Unleash your inner Olympian. Discover four habits that drive the world's top athletes to success, and learn how to apply these principles to your professional life. Elevate your work performance and competitiveness, inspired by the Olympic spirit.

Four Habits to Recreate Record-Setting Performances

Identify and Enhance Your Strengths

Leverage new technology… twice

The best athletes and coaches are attentive to technological advancements to gain an immediate edge that shaves seconds off their time.

Train your mindset to attempt new techniques and explore possibilities

The greatest athletes, coaches, and innovators don’t stop when something is working

Identify and enhance your strengths

The biggest leaps forward come when an athlete discovers a new idea or concept that alters the game itself

Design for continuous improvement

Often, expertise and conventional rules bind us to repeating what has worked in the past.


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