Unleash the power of enchantment in your public relations strategy. Discover four magical spells that promise to transform your PR results instantly. Prepare to be captivated by the alchemy of effective communication and strategic storytelling.

How to get earned media coverage for your company

A public-relations wizard shares some secret spells and charms that can zap some sizzle into a PR campaign.

  • Say the magic words; cast a spell
  • Change your tone of voice, body language, etc.

Getting a Reporter to Smirk Helps Your Pitch Work

Try and get a reporter to smirk when responding to your emails and social media messages.

  • This can alleviate tension and make the conversation easier on both the reporter and you as a pitch-writer. You can also joke about it to ease tension.

Time warp: ask the reporter about his or her past to help your future pitch

People just love talking about themselves – and I love to listen.

  • How did you get into this line of work, anyway?”
  • After that, I always got a response from him – why? Because now he knew who I was.

The smile of the public-relations sorcerer

Smiling makes you seem friendly and approachable.

  • It’s a confidence booster for you and for the person you are trying to keep on your side. However, one drawback is that you can rely on it a bit too much.

Plant a memory to help get your media pitch into the reporter’s head

Use relationships to give you an edge.

  • Two letters and a punctuation mark at the beginning of an email subject line to cast this spell: “Re:”. It makes it seem like it’s a continuation of an existing conversation.
