4 tips for working with a colleague who lacks self-awareness

4 tips for working with a colleague who lacks self-awareness
4 tips for working with a colleague who lacks self-awareness

The competitive nature of the work environment can breed behaviors where people try to constantly one-up others. This makes sense when rewards are scarce. There is likely only one person who can nab a highly-coveted position, and only a finite number of promotions each year. Here are a few ways to work coworkers who lack self-awareness.

Consider motivations

People may be trying to prove themselves because they think it will get them ahead at work.

  • To offset your colleague’s behavior by reinforcing them and validating their contribution
  • Ask them questions and seek out their opinion
  • You’ll want to do these things in a genuine way

Let it go

If you’ve tried everything and your colleague is still demonstrating a lack of self-awareness, it may be time to try to release this mental occupation.

  • Don’t fixate on how much they frustrate you. Focus on your work projects or try turning your energy toward more challenging tasks.

Tap into reserves of confidence

In order to work well with others, you need to feel good about your own contribution

  • Remind yourself of all you bring to your distinct position and embrace your unique talents
  • Validating yourself through a list of your strengths can help pull you out of a comparison trap

Stand your ground

Find a way to get your point across

  • Express your ideas in a constructive way so that everyone is able to contribute their perspective
  • Be open to debating the pros and cons of different ideas
  • Direct and constructive
  • Make space for plenty of opinions
