4 Toxic Money Beliefs That Keep You From Financial Freedom

4 Toxic Money Beliefs That Keep You From Financial Freedom

Money is good if you use it to do well. And everyone can learn to get better with money. However, there are deeper, less-explored toxic money beliefs that stand in the way of achieving financial freedom and building sustainable, long-term wealth. And the first step to weeding them out is being self-aware

“I can start being happy only when I’m making more money”

You can be happy now

Building sustainable wealth isn’t about holding on tightly to the small amount of money you make

It’s a matter of creating value.

Keep challenging your beliefs

The goal of financial freedom, like many other things, is balance. We don’t want to be too cheap or too lavish.

“You need a business to achieve financial freedom”

Financial freedom is all about having options.

Money is more important than my time

Everything we do has an opportunity cost


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