4 ‘Unproductive’ Habits That Make You More Productive

4 ‘Unproductive’ Habits That Make You More Productive
4 ‘Unproductive’ Habits That Make You More Productive

4 “unproductive” habits to improve your energy and creativity, and help you take your business to the next level. 2019 brought new challenges to the way entrepreneurs attract customers, utilize technology and outperform their competition. Many business leaders have been pushing themselves to the limit to adapt to these changes

Sleep in more

The goal is to wake up feeling refreshed and rejuvenated.

  • While you’re sleeping, your body is doing the essential maintenance required for your cells, brain, and sympathetic nervous system to function at their best
  • If you enjoy waking up early, try adjusting your schedule to go to bed earlier or stay up later.

Do nothing

It’s important to take time to get quiet each day. Meditation can be an effective way to rest your mind, while increasing your creativity and focus.

  • Start with only a couple minutes at a time and increase the amount as you get more used to doing it.

Take lots of breaks

A 2011 University of Illinois study found focusing too long on a task actually decreases productivity.

  • Give yourself enough time to engage in an activity that gives your body and mind what it needs. Take a walk or a power nap to increase your creativity and energy.


While being an adult may bring on added responsibilities and stress, it’s important to find ways each day to do things that make you laugh and bring you joy.

  • When you laugh, your body releases endorphins that reduce stress and improve your mood. Studies have shown that laughing can help reduce blood pressure.
