Your customers and friends likely are generating content, tagging your brand, or mentioning your products in their tweets, Instagram Stories, and TikTok videos every day. Why not incorporate that user-generated content into your brand’s social media calendar? You don’t have to take a wait-and-hope approach. You can actively encourage your audiences to develop UGC

How to encourage reviews

Publish review requests on multiple places

  • Create an incentive such as prizes or discounts on the next purchase for people who participate in a review challenge contest
  • Ask for a review via emails or texts to your customers
  • Post the request on your social pages
  • Get written permission from the author to republish their review


Web scanner that finds your brand mentions anywhere on the Internet

  • Examines websites, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, blogs, and forums to bring you real-time mentions
  • Analyzes the engagement and sentiment rates of each post, helping you know which user-generated content is most attractive for your followers

Tagged photos and videos

Social media users crave beautiful and distinctive content for their pages, so create a powerful magnet to attract them

  • Add some originality to your product packaging
  • Create a backdrop or setting at your store or office that people will want to take a picture in front of
  • Repost photos/videos with your brand mentions in your feed
  • Host contests


Track your brand name, branded hashtag, and industry-related keywords

  • Scrape social networks such as Reddit, Twitter, and YouTube
  • Sort discoveries by source, sentiment rate, reach, and date to see what’s trending
  • Reach out to authors through its app

Creation challenges

Determine the aspect of your brand it will promote

  • Product
  • Customer service
  • Experience
  • The prize
  • A promotional content campaign
  • From social media posts to owned channels
  • Create a hashtag #GoProMillionDollarChallenge to promote the challenge


Scans Twitter, Instagram, Facebook, forums, websites of media outlets, and blogs, including small and newly started ones.

  • Collects an ordered data set of your brand mentions and keywords, and allows you to schedule and post new pieces of content, reply to users’ comments, and more

Benefit from User-Generated Content

UGC helps you publish fresh content on your social channels without having to start from scratch


Invite your customers when they make the purchase to shoot an unboxing video and share it with your brand

  • Provide products to content creators who already have established audiences watching their unboxing videos
  • Decorate your packaging, including the mailing container, with colors, and include a visual extra

See what happens with your user-generated content

Use social media monitoring tools to detect keywords related to your brand, product, campaign, etc
