4 Ways to Become a Better Learner

4 Ways to Become a Better Learner
4 Ways to Become a Better Learner

Unlocking the secrets to becoming a more effective learner isn't as elusive as it seems. Explore four transformative strategies that can enhance your learning capabilities and set you on a path to continuous personal and professional growth.

Don’t stagnate

To sustain success, you must develop learning agility

  • Research shows that leaders who think and act from the same assumptions and behavioral repertoires they’ve used for years are prone to stagnate, underperform, or derail
  • Staying within your comfort zone is a good way to prepare for today, but it’s a terrible way to try and prepare for tomorrow

What is Learning Agility?

Learning agility is the capacity for rapid, continuous learning from experience

  • People with this mindset tend to be oriented toward learning goals and open to new experiences
  • A desire to develop by acquiring new skills and mastering new situations is a fundamental element of learning agility
  • Agile learners value and derive satisfaction from the process of learning itself which boosts their motivation as well as their capacity to learn from challenging developmental experiences

How Do You Develop Learning Agility?

Coaching helps clients understand how their minds work and how to make them work better.

  • Ask for feedback from people who have observed you perform and given you feedback
  • Experiment with new approaches or behaviors
  • Make time for reflection
  • Leaders who demonstrate and encourage reflection not only learn more themselves but also spur increased contextual awareness and reflective practice in others, thereby laying the foundation for higher levels of learning agility in their teams and organizations.
