Becoming a successful freelancer depends not only on the skills you offer, but also on how you present yourself to your clients and make yourself stand out. Here are 4 tips that will help you build relationships with hiring managers and make your profile stand out in today’s marketplace.
Be honest
Honesty is essential if you want to build a long-lasting relationship with your hiring manager and clients
- Referrals play a huge role in helping contractors get jobs and bring some form of stability
- If you don’t have expertise in a particular task, say so and show willingness to learn
Commit to consistency
Show potential clients that you are consistent by having good reviews
- Avoid taking on too much work and committing to prior deadlines
- Flourishing as a freelancer or independent contract requires a learning attitude
- Be honest, have great communication skills, and be consistent
Set realistic expectations
Set specific goals that will help you achieve higher performance
- Be self-aware of your current skill set and develop over time
- It is preferable to undercommit than to underdeliver
- When applying for jobs, make sure you can provide the required deliverables
Show strong communication skills
Being a good listener and speaker is important for conventional jobs, but it becomes even more important for remote workers.
- Your communication should be crystal clear when it comes to understanding project requirements, scope of work, your responsibilities, dependencies on other people, etc..
- Ask questions and provide feedback.