5 Incredible Ways Exercise Improves Brain Function

5 Incredible Ways Exercise Improves Brain Function

Exercise, particularly the kind that gets your heart pumping, has a whole host of positive effects on the brain, even to the point of enhancing its structure. Here are just five of the ways exercise improves your already miraculous brain.Exercising is good for your brain.

Exercise Turns Your Brain into a Pleasure Powerhouse

Exercise stimulates a rich concoction of feel-good chemicals in the brain, including dopamine, serotonin, endocannabinoids, and norepinephrine, each of which has different roles in managing stress, enhancing feelings of wellbeing, and promoting an active interest in life.

Exercise Increases the Thickness of the Cerebral Cortex

According to Johns Hopkins Medicine (hopkinsmedicine.org), exercise can thicken the cerebral cortex.

Exercise Improves Neuroplasticity

Even just one workout session can elevate your brain’s neuroplasticITY

Exercise Stimulates Neurogenesis

We’re all born with approximately 100 billion neurons in the brain, which regenerate at a fast rate in our childhoods but slow as we mature

Exercise Improves Memory and Learning

Multiple studies have shown that adults who exercise perform better on memory, learning, and decision-making tasks than their counterparts who do not exercise.


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