5 Keys to Setting and Managing Employee Expectations (Infographic)

5 Keys to Setting and Managing Employee Expectations (Infographic)
5 Keys to Setting and Managing Employee Expectations (Infographic)

As a team leader or manager, the responsibility of ensuring smooth team collaboration falls onto you. But before anything else, ask yourself: do you know what you are expecting from your team? Without clearly defined employee expectations, things can get complicated. There’s no easy way to measure success and evaluate employee performance.

The importance of setting expectations for employees

Transparency is essential to being a good leader.

Managing work expectations

The key is to make sure that you and your team are on the same page when it comes to these expectations so that you can all grow together

  • Confusion is the first step to disagreements
  • If your team knows what you’re expecting from them, it will be easier for them to perform at their best

Communicate clearly and frequently

Have a plan for what you expect your team to do

  • Communicate what you’re counting on them to do from the onboarding process
  • Set expectations for when they should be able to respond to emails
  • Having a plan makes communication much easier

Make everyone feel part of the team

Teamwork is good for everyone in the group, regardless of size or the type of work.

  • Develop a team bond and encourage personal connections. Everyone in the team – and the business – will benefit from it
  • If any of the members need help, everyone is welcome to help.

Create documents for roles and responsibilities

Let your team know about their obligations, and make sure they understand the importance of their work to the whole organization.

  • A great way to do this is by creating a document that describes their role in the company in detail.

Boost team success with Hubstaff

Once your team starts using Hubstaff, it tracks the time your team spent working on tasks, monitors the apps they used and the sites they visited, and automates payroll so you can focus on growth instead of management.

  • Even better, Hubstaff’s reporting and invoicing features make billing clients hassle-free.

Explain the importance of being efficient with time

Time at work should be dedicated to only work-related things

  • The sooner your team understands that the way they use their time at work is important to you, the better. Track their total time worked and compare that against the tasks they have accomplished.

Set hours for working all together

Each team has their own active hours, but even a few hours of overlap can give a big boost to productivity.

  • Consider requiring your team to work at least a few specific hours in the day, so that they are all together at the same time.
