5 signs you need to rethink your career

5 signs you need to rethink your career

Even people who love their jobs may find themselves bored or feeling dissatisfied from time to time. Here are five signs that you need a change in your work life-which may also apply to other areas in your life-such as other areas of your life such as your marriage, family, and health.

Your circumstances are affecting other life areas

When you’re in a bad situation and the feeling of anger and depression overwhelm you or bleed over into other areas of your life, it’s time to consider a change.

When you can’t move forward

A rut or plateau is temporary and may even be desirable

You’re feeling out of control

If your work routinely throws your life into chaos, or you don’t feel as if you have any way out of a bad situation, it could be a sign that you need a change, even if it’s a challenge to make it.

Your workplace is toxic

Negative or unhealthy workplace culture or leadership can have a significant impact on your happiness and job performance.

You’re out of alignment with your values

If your job isn’t aligning with your value, it may not be the best fit for you


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