Bringing your dogs to work can be beneficial in several ways. Aside from providing flextime benefits and the option to work remotely, more offices are starting to see the value of allowing dogs in the workplace. Here are five surprising benefits of bringing your dogs in your workplace.

Encourages communication

Dogs can be an excellent icebreaker especially for your newcomers or shy employees.

  • Since they bring a friendlier vibe to the office, they unconsciously encourage your staff to talk to one another
  • Communication plays a big part in getting tasks done, dogs can provide opportunities for casual conversations

Improves employee retention

If you want to improve your retention rates, you need to keep your employees happy

  • Help them fulfill their needs in and out of the office
  • By helping them take care of matters outside their personal life even within the confines of the workplace, they’re more likely to feel satisfied with their jobs and stay

Win the recruitment race

Having dogs in the office can increase your chances of acquiring top-tier talent

  • A dog-friendly workspace is often very happy
  • Other than changing the atmosphere of your workspace, it can pave the way for improved individual and team performance, better working relationships, and the development of company culture

Boost employee morale

Dogs are an instant mood booster and can help your employees recharge

  • By improving the quality of their breaks, it’ll be easier for them to gather themselves and get back on track
  • A dog can help you have a sense of calm during these stressful times

Promotes a healthy lifestyle

Other than helping you manage your mood and stress, letting pets in the office can actually pave the way for a healthier lifestyle.

  • Taking a dog to work means waking up early. Since owners have more things to prepare in the morning, they need to follow a consistent bedtime routine to make sure that they get enough hours of sleep.
