5 Ways (That Aren’t Coffee or a Nap) to Bump Up Your Afternoon Energy

5 Ways (That Aren’t Coffee or a Nap) to Bump Up Your Afternoon Energy

Feeling sluggish in the afternoon? It's a common issue, but coffee or a nap aren't the only solutions. Discover five innovative strategies to reinvigorate your energy levels and conquer the rest of your day with renewed vigor and focus.

Most of us are at our sleepiest between 2:30 and 4:30 p.m.

Even a 20-minute nap in the afternoon can have a dramatic effect on your mood and productivity

Up your snack game

Take the time to prepare yourself a visually appealing, healthy plate of food to help refocus your mind and body for the rest of the day

Take an organization break

Your space has an outsize impact on your mood, use it to your advantage

Take Two Deep Breaths

Consciously engaging your diaphragm and slowing your breathing can also help you get to sleep at night

Create an afternoon transition ritual

The content of your ritual is up to you.

Read a chapter of fiction

Disconnecting, focusing on something else, and then re-engaging can pry you out of that state of being stuck or demoralized in dealing with what you’re dealing with


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