Embarking on the journey of content creation? Here are six books that can serve as your compass. They offer insights into the art and science of crafting compelling content, helping you to hone your skills and elevate your craft.

Cherry-picking the advice you follow will help you move fast and save time

In 2021, anyone willing to do the work can build and scale an online business.

  • You don’t need to start from scratch and make lots of mistakes. You can rely on the expertise of people who’ve been there and done that.

“Contagious” by Jonah Berger

A 6-step framework to create brands and messages that are worth sharing

  • What makes products and brands popular
  • Why do people talk about certain things more than others?
  • How can we duplicate widely successful campaigns and content in our own marketing?

“Dotcom Secrets” by Russell Brunson

Most digital entrepreneurs think that they need more traffic to scale their business. Dotcom Secrets reveals why traffic is not the real problem and how you can effectively structure and organize your sales process

  • When you implement these secrets, you will transform your website from a flat, two-dimensional company into a three-dimensional sales and marketing machine that allows you to outspend your competitors, acquire an almost unlimited number of new customers, make (and keep) more money, and most importantly, serve more people.”

“Launch” by Jeff Walker

Jeff Walker is the launch expert of our time

  • His Product Launch Formula is the foundation of online sales and is used by all the big players in the industry
  • Launch is a step-by-step blueprint to creating an irresistible offer and making sure people actually buy your products

“Steal Like an Artist” by Austin Kleon

Don’t worry about reinventing the wheel – use existing ideas as a springboard until you find your unique voice and style

  • The most effective way to grow as a creative mind and content creator is by doing more of what’s proven to work, experimenting along the way, and allowing yourself to find out who you are deep inside

“Superfans” by Pat Flynn

Flynn shares his proven path to turning a casual audience into raving fans

  • Instead of spending money on ads, spend more time on people
  • “Instead of worrying about the latest growth hacks and strategies, worry about identifying and addressing the biggest pains and problems in your target audience”

“Copywriting Secrets” by Jim Edwards

A playbook for writing great sales copy without the blah-blah and straight to the point with actionable advice

  • Your ability to sell products online is directly proportional to your ability to write sales copy
  • In Copywriting Secrets, Jim Edwards presents all the insights and formulas you need to write better copy and understand why people buy or don’t buy products online
