6 Common Misconceptions About Workplace Culture That Are Hurting Your Employee Experience

6 Common Misconceptions About Workplace Culture That Are Hurting Your Employee Experience
6 Common Misconceptions About Workplace Culture That Are Hurting Your Employee Experience

Workplace culture is often misunderstood, leading to a less than ideal employee experience. Let's debunk six common misconceptions that may be hindering your team's productivity and satisfaction.

6 common misconceptions about workplace culture

A Fear Based Culture Creates Instant Results

  • Mistakes are punished and good deeds go unnoticed
  • Rumors are more credible than what’s communicated by leadership
  • Employees are afraid to speak up and tell the truth for fear of retaliation or being ignored
  • Management relies on threats and humiliation
  • Unclear goals and expectations
  • Encouraging employees to take risks has a far greater outcome than embodying a fear based culture

Celebrating Milestones Is A Waste Of Time And Money

When employees are appreciated their happiness at work increases and they are more likely to go above and beyond for their employer.

  • Culture Forms On Its Own From The People Hired
  • HR and the hiring team should ask the right questions to make sure the individual will add to the culture.

It’s Only About Social Events And Fun Perks

Free food, discounted gym memberships and beer taps don’t make a culture.

  • It Needs To Come From HR Not Leadership
  • Culture cannot be created artificially and it doesn’t happen overnight. It requires consistent attention, nurturing and evaluating.

Companies invest more than $720 million dollars annually into their culture yet struggle to achieve a high return on investment

53% of American workers are unhappy at work

  • To prevent wasted time and money, companies should seek feedback from their workers and take the time to learn what they want
