6 Fascinating Theories from the Field of Psychology

6 Fascinating Theories from the Field of Psychology

The field of psychology has been a fantastic asset to humankind since it began. From that time forward, we’ve grown to bolster our understanding of the human mind and its workings. We now know the importance of maintaining good mental health and how it affects society overall. Most importantly, we realize that there’s much more to learn.

Socioemotional Selectivity Theory

Humans modify their goals as they get older

Zeigarnik Effect

During the 1920s, a Russian psychologist named Bluma Zeiarnik noticed something while sitting in a Vietnamese diner.

Recency Effect

In a 1962 paper by Bennet Murdock, he discovered that the probability of a remembered word was dependent upon where it was positioned in the list.

Elaboration Likelihood Model

This theory seeks to explain why people are persuaded to change their views about certain topics.

Proximal Development Zones

Lev Vygotsky believed that standardized tests were inadequate in assessing a child’s learning readiness

Mere Exposure Effect

Robert Zajonc’s hypothesis: When people are exposed to something regularly, they will eventually come to like it


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