6 strategies to try when you feel checked out of work

6 strategies to try when you feel checked out of work
6 strategies to try when you feel checked out of work

Feeling disengaged at work can be a draining experience. Explore six practical strategies that can help reignite your passion, boost your productivity, and rekindle your commitment to your professional life.

6 short switch-ups to help you approach your work life and career differently

Do the opposite

  • Spend a few hours outdoors at an inspiring location away from your desk
  • Subtract, not add
  • Working from home can mean extended days, with often little segue from our desks to the family dinner table
  • Give yourself a break with a FriPlay afternoon
  • Every Friday, I clear the decks around 3 p.m. to do something restorative: go for a walk with a podcast, jump on my bike, read a book

Wear your red sneakers

Professor Francesca Gino taught two classes at Harvard Business School in which she experimented with her footwear.

  • For one class, she wore a conservative suit with dress shoes. For the next group, she paired her suit with her favorite pair of red Converse sneakers. She discovered the “red-sneakers” students were more attentive and thoughtful, and they laughed more.
  • The sneakers made her feel more confident and more poised when leading discussions.

Hold a party for one

When you’re working hard, it’s important to press the pause button and celebrate how far you’ve come.

  • Terin Izil, a freelance creative director, awarded herself for her achievements, delivered a state of the union address to herself, and went out for dinner with a plus one to celebrate her one year anniversary of working for herself.
