Effective communication is at the heart of every successful business, no matter the size or industry. Everything in your business resolves around good communication, both internal (with employees, associates, co-workers or team members) and external (with clients and customers). Poor communication, or lack of it, inevitably causes misunderstandings, confusion and conflicts that hinder productivity and professional relationships.
It helps to prevent misunderstandings and conflicts
Unresolved or poorly navigated conflicts can damage and even destroy relationships with customers, employees, or co-workers
Customer service relies on good communication
The quality of your customer service directly depends on how good your frontline employees are when it comes to communicating with customers
It enables positive team relationships
Effective communication helps to unite teams, build a positive atmosphere in the workplace and encourage collaborative working
- When team leaders are effective communicators they are able to maintain an open dialogue with other team members and create a safe environment for them to express their concerns, opinions and ideas without being shut-down
How to address difficult conversations with customers
Be well prepared
Steps to stop avoiding difficult conversations
Ask yourself: What is the cost of not having the conversation?
7 Worst Communication Mistakes You May be Making and How to Avoid Them
63% of business professionals experience communications-related issues with their customers, colleagues or team that stops them from achieving business goals at least weekly
- Communication issues have led to lost customers, and 13% of respondents said they lost co-workers over those issues
Not Keeping an Open Mind
Closed-minded people spend more time talking than listening, tend to ignore opposing viewpoints and beliefs, rush to judgement and conclusions, and are generally not willing to consider new ideas and opinions.
Using One-Size-Fits-All Communication Approach
When it comes to communicating your brand to your audience, a one-size-fits-all approach no longer works anymore
- The same message can be interpreted differently by different people
- To achieve better communication with employees, managers and leaders need to tailor their communication style to each age group
It helps to create effective brand messaging
Having a clear, authentic, consistent brand voice not only helps your target audience better understand what you are selling and how it can benefit them, but also allows you to build trust with customers
Become open-minded
Practice being an active and engaged listener without interrupting or getting absorbed in your own thoughts
- Challenge your thinking by embracing differing viewpoints, perspectives, and beliefs
- Evaluate your options from every angle rather than being predisposed to one way of looking at things
Why is Effective Communication so Important in Business?
Companies with high effectiveness in change management and communication are three and a half times more likely to significantly outperform their competitors than those that are not effective in these areas
- Why is effective communication so vital in business? Consider the following factors:
How to address difficult conversations with employees
Don’t delay
- Do your homework
- Set up a private meeting and think of the most suitable location in a relaxed environment
- Watch your attitude and language
- Be positive, respectful, non-confrontational
- End the conversation by agreeing on clear goals
Difference between reacting and responding
Reaction is immediate
- Drive by the beliefs, biases, and prejudices of the unconscious mind
- Emotionally charged
- Response is the outcome of thoughtfulness, reflection, and consideration
- Often aggressive
- Causes more reactions
- Solution: deliberate formulate thoughtful response
Assuming Instead of Asking More Questions
Make quick assumptions instead of asking more questions
- If you need clarification to get a better understanding – simply ask for it
- Don’t assume everyone understands the message you are trying to deliver
- Have a deep understanding of your customers
- Ask them what they expect from you and how you can improve their experience
Using Negative Tone
Tone is naturally present in all forms of communication. It’s reflected in the way you phrase your message and the words you choose to use.
Over to You
Communication mistakes can have serious negative consequences for a business
- They can damage your reputation, break relationships with employees, co-worker or customers, and lead to missed opportunities and lost revenue
- Luckily, as Brian Tracy says “Communication is a skill that you can learn. If you’re willing to work at it, you can rapidly improve the quality of every part of your life.”
Benefits of being open-minded in business communication
Open-minded people are better leaders, more effective communicators and collaborators
Avoid Negative Tone in Business Communication
Be friendly, but maintain an appropriate level of professionalism
- Avoid using negative words
- Use positive phrasing
- Antonyms and non-discriminatory language
- Focus on the solution rather than the problem
- In written communications always re-read before sending
Avoiding Difficult Conversations
Be brave enough to start a conversation that matters
- It’s far worse to let a problem fester as it could potentially cause further damage
- Learning to deal head-on with your emotions can minimize the anxiety and make difficult conversations easier to handle
Reacting, Not Responding
Reacting instead of responding is a huge mistake in business communication especially when dealing with angry and disappointed customers, colleagues or employees.
- A reaction doesn’t take into consideration long-term effects of what you say or do, and it’s very often something you’ll regret about later. Responding is more thoughtful and deliberate.
Speaking More and Listening Less
Think more before you speak
- Process more information
- Only say what’s important
- Don’t say anything you’ll regret later
- Get to know others better
- Customers/employees/co-workers will appreciate being listened to and understood
Some helpful tips to develop your listening skills and improve your business communications:
Face the speaker and maintain eye contact