7 Lessons Every Marketer Should Learn From A Beggar

7 Lessons Every Marketer Should Learn From A Beggar
7 Lessons Every Marketer Should Learn From A Beggar

There are seven traits of beggars that continually shine bright like a polished diamond. These priceless lessons are for every marketer who is keen on taking his / her business successful. Beggars have an inherent value that will shine when the smothering factors are set aside.

Resilient and Persistent

Beggars are resilient and persistent

  • They know what they want and they go for it
  • Try to get your client’s full attention and make it clear that they need the service you are trying to sell to them
  • Make it about them, about the benefits they will derive

Beggars know how to make requests easy to accept

They know that small contributions will eventually add up to a substantial amount

  • Always try to make the stuff you are selling to your target market easy to afford
  • People place a cheaper value on the cent because they believe they can easily afford it

Beggars know that opportunity meets preparedness

Your location determines your allocation.

  • Present to your client a complimentary product immediately after they purchase the first product from you.
  • They are more likely to buy it if it is complimentary to what they just bought.

Beggars know that differentiation makes it easy to sell to a unique market segment

As a marketer, you need to differentiate your goods and/or services by offering a specific experience that will keep your customers coming

  • You will not get loyal customers until you begin to offer them an experience that they cannot find elsewhere

Beggars spend a lot of time praying and meditating

As a marketer, you should seek for the prosperity of your clients, always

  • You cannot always help all your clients spiritually, but you can help them spiritually by praying for them.
  • Prayers have a way of working out things in people’s hearts.

Beggars maximize future earning opportunities by building relationships today

You are better off creating and nurturing trustworthy relationships with your clients because when clients learn to count on you, they can be very loyal to you

  • Such clients are more likely to buy from you because they like your personality

Beggars split test their marketing strategies

They do this to find out a strategy that brings maximum returns with the least effort

  • There are many ways to express ideas
  • People see things differently so it is necessary to keep testing different ideas until you find the most effective one
