7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them

7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them
7 Little Habits That Can Change Your Life, and How to Form Them

If you could just pick one or two (or seven) habits to create in the next few months – habits that will have the most impact on your life – what would they be? I often get asked this question, because people are overwhelmed when it comes to starting positive life changes

Develop 7 Habits to Change Your Life

Develop positive thinking

  • Focus on this first because it is the keystone habit that will help you form the other important habits.
  • Be aware of your negative self-talk
  • Keep track of your progress and log your progress
  • Remain publicly accountable
  • Reward every little success


Make it a goal to do something kind for someone each day

  • Each time you interact with someone, try to be kind, be friendly, be compassionate
  • Daily routine
  • Develop a routine that will help you get a great start to your day, and end your day by preparing for the next day

Exercise and mental well-being

Strengthens positive thinking habit

  • Relieves stress and gives time to think
  • Helps with creativity
  • Feels good about yourself and makes you feel better about yourself, and confident
  • Encourages others to do the same


Focus on one goal at a time

  • You’ll be more effective with your tasks and get more done
  • It’s hard to achieve important things if you’re constantly switching tasks and distracted by other “urgent” things
  • Eliminate the non-essential
  • Identify the things in your life that are most important to you, that you love the most, and then eliminate everything else to leave you with space to focus on the essential
