7 Productivity Mistakes You Are Probably Making Every Day

7 Productivity Mistakes You Are Probably Making Every Day
7 Productivity Mistakes You Are Probably Making Every Day

If you just follow all of these tips, you’ll get more done every day. However, you’ve probably found that that isn’t the case. So, what’s the problem? Let’s look a closer at some common productivity mistakes and how you can avoid them. Today’s guest post is by Gloria Kopp.

Avoiding Distracting Websites

Use the Pomodoro Technique to block out the rest of the internet while you work.

  • Work for 25 minutes straight, then take a 5-minute break to do whatever you like, including checking out websites and social media.

Reward Yourself

Pick a reward that does not affect your work.

  • For example, if you’re studying towards getting a scholarship, you may decide to reward yourself by stopping work for a day or so. This kind of reward can slow your progress and reduce your momentum
  • Instead, have dinner at your favorite restaurant with a friend.

Not Knowing When You Are Most Productive

You need to find your most productive hours of the day, and make the most of them.

Not Being Realistic

There are limits to your personal productivity

  • You have unique demands on your time
  • The best way to be productive is to work around these issues
  • What is a productive day for somebody else may not be a successful one for you

Not Delegating Your Work

Use your resources wisely, and you’ll see you’ll get a lot more done every day

  • Once you’ve made these adjustments to your everyday habits, your productivity levels will skyrocket
  • Pick one today and try it out for yourself

Thinking Multitasking Is Effective

Most productive people are multi-taskers

  • Recent research has shown how multitasking does not help you get more done
  • For example, writing and editing at the same time doesn’t save you time. You’ll just spend more on your work

Delaying Harder Tasks

It can be tempting to put off the biggest-or most difficult-tasks until later in the day.
