7 Quotes Every High Achiever Must Remember

7 Quotes Every High Achiever Must Remember
7 Quotes Every High Achiever Must Remember

If you are a high achiever tackling difficult projects characterized by constant setbacks, you will find these seven quotes useful. You’ll need to refer to them frequently on your journey toward greatness. These are notorious lines which you may already be familiar with, but that doesn’t diminish the value of the present article.

Hardship and Feeling of Helplessness

It’s easy to feel at the top of the world when succeeding, however, when the going gets tough, that’s when staying confident becomes a challenge.

  • Memorizing three simple sentences won’t make your problems go away, but it will enable you to focus your energy where it matters most.

Fear of criticism

Frame your criticism constructively to instruct, not to disparage.

  • Boredom and procrastination are two enemies to expect when working toward a worthwhile goal. Regardless of one’s level of motivation and passion for a subject, there are days when they won’t feel like lifting a feather.
  • Never put off for tomorrow what you can do today.

Heightened Sense of Superiority

As we become more knowledgeable, many develop a superiority complex

  • True knowledge exists in knowing that you know nothing
  • The best we can do is strive to strengthen our spirit and elevate others
  • Bachir Bastien is a Taiwanese-Haitian woman who uses her story to empower others

Fear of failure

Failure is an opportunity.

  • If we change our mindset about disappointment, we should be able to face failure more courageously and not engage in many self-sabotaging thoughts and behaviors.
  • Failure gives us the possibility to start over, better and stronger than before.

Fear of success

Many strive to reach a lofty goal, only to feel insecure and undeserving when they close in on their target.

  • Remember, you are “powerful beyond measure,” and you were “born to shine.”
  • Go full strength and enjoy the massive success that’s rightfully yours.
