7 Small Joys You Should Make Sure to Add to Your Daily Routine in 2022

7 Small Joys You Should Make Sure to Add to Your Daily Routine in 2022
7 Small Joys You Should Make Sure to Add to Your Daily Routine in 2022

Embrace the beauty of life's simple pleasures in 2022. Discover seven small joys to incorporate into your daily routine, transforming ordinary moments into extraordinary ones. Let's explore how these tiny tweaks can significantly enhance your everyday experience.

What will you focus on in 2022?

To be happier

  • Research shows that happy people are more responsible, more successful, more likely to volunteer, and less likely to commit crimes
  • If you’re happy, you’re more successful and liable to make the world a better place
  • Changing your daily lives and routines can make you happier

Spend a little time doing nothing

You’ll be more productive, and you deserve it

  • Your brain will work better on important problems and connections when you’re not doing something
  • Taking a break to recharge your batteries will help you be clearer and more productive in the long run

Savor your favorite morning beverage

Take just a few moments and just be in the moment – don’t rush through that small pleasure.

  • Even if it’s just for a few seconds, pause, sip, and ease yourself into the day
  • If you can take a few minutes to sit down and enjoy your drink, that’s even better

Read a good book

Pick something you yourself will enjoy reading – the kind of book you look forward to diving into and hate to set down.

  • Make sure it brings you joy, and if it doesn’t, give yourself permission to set it aside and choose a different book.

Get outdoors

Not all climates or all kinds of weather are conducive to spending time outside, but if you can spend a little time outdoors each day, try to do that.

  • Getting outdoors, whether you’re walking, running, biking, or just sitting on your own porch, is a small joy even if you only do it for a few minutes before going back inside out of the cold.


Every day, try and find something to make you chuckle. Find something to send you funny YouTubes and Jokes, or invest in a subscription to The Funny Times.

  • Try laughing yoga, in which people get together and just start laughing until the strangeness of doing so catches up with them, and they start guffawing.

Talk with someone you care about

Research shows that loneliness and isolation are so bad for you they can literally take years off your life.

  • So, even if you live alone, or are so busy that you and the others in your household barely see each other, make sure to reach out to someone you love at least once a day. It doesn’t have to be in person.

Take a nap.

A brief nap of 10 to 30 minutes can improve your mental function, memory, and problem-solving ability as well as improve your mood. It’s absolutely worth building in those few minutes of nap time into the day if you can.
