Mastering Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising can be a game-changer for your business. Discover seven key strategies that can elevate your PPC game, driving more traffic, increasing conversions, and ultimately boosting your bottom line.

The better your PPC campaign, the higher your CTR (click-through rate), the more qualified leads you can drive to your site.

In order for the PPC team to reach their goals on their KPIs, and that includes CTRs, your entire marketing needs to be aligned

  • Below you’ll find a list of the things that could improve your PR outcomes

Remarketing / Retargeting

Remarking is the best way to remind users who have already visited your site about your product/solution.

  • It takes 17 instances of exposure to a brand’s messaging for a consumer to become aware of the brand and make a purchasing decision. Make those 17 exposure opportunities work for you with PPC and remarketing.

Buyer Personas

Discover your buyers first: do customer and market segmentation first, then build the ads that speak to them alone

  • Understand your audience, and build your segments and your PPC with clear outcomes in mind
  • Identify your role, what motivates them, how much budget do they have to spend, and how does this affect their life now?

Use Audience Exclusion Lists

The better you are at setting up your audiences and your exclusion lists, the more specific your target market gets and the more qualified your leads are.

  • If you don’t select your target audience correctly, it doesn’t matter that your offering is life-saving, it’s never going to get in front of the people that need it.


Data is Queen, Keywords are King

  • Use data to make your messaging clearer
  • Do research on your own users and your competition
  • Know the gaps in products and services that your competition is leaving open
  • Compile a list of keywords that your competitors are using

Landing Page Optimization

Deliver knowledge AND product

  • Make your landing pages simple and clear
  • Don’t forget about the user experience
  • Introduce one CTA (call to action) button per newsletter or landing page
  • Keep it simple and simple for the user

Segment your Users by their Intent

Display: Users might research a product to get a general idea

  • Search: These users are actively looking for a solution to their problem
  • Social: People show their support for your product/service if it has a social impact
  • There is a massive difference in traffic sources

Qualify your leads

Make sure every user you engage with is someone you can convert into a buyer.
