7 Things To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

7 Things To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up
7 Things To Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

7 things you need to do when you feel like giving up. No matter how successful you are in life and business, success doesn’t give you immunity from humanity. Here are seven things you can do to keep yourself from giving up when you’re feeling like it.

Go Back To ‘Why’

Occasionally, we start with one vision in mind and end up moving so far away from why we started a business, job, or relationship in the first place that we end up lost and questioning our decisions and actions.

  • Every 90 days, revisit your big ‘why’ to ensure you’re on track and achieving what you want.

Final thoughts

Do everything possible in your current situation to maximize the opportunity.

  • Have you experienced all the learnings, happiness, and pain associated with what you want to achieve? If the answer is no, keep going until you have!
  • If you feel like giving up, ask yourself, have I done everything possible?

Learn to Feel Uncomfortable

When you feel stuck in a rut, you must learn to breathe, reset and revisit your goals

  • A simple readjustment and a brief ‘time out’ can dramatically move you forward like you never thought possible
  • Accept that things will get tough and it won’t always be roses and kittens

Get Happy

Think back to the last time you were really thriving in your life.

  • Turn up the volume, whack on the iPod and play your favorite high-energy tracks to get me buzzed.
  • Remember what you were doing and make that happen again!

Win Through Persistence

Winston Churchill said, “If you have an important point to make, don’t try to be subtle or clever. Use a pile driver. Hit the point once. Then come back and hit it again. Then hit it a third time – a tremendous whack.”

  • Persistence is the key if you want to win.

Be Proud

Be proud of where you have come from and what you’ve achieved. Celebrate small wins to achieve big goals.

  • Review your past three months, especially the last 90 days, and soak up your achievements no matter how small they are to build momentum towards your goal.

Share Your Goals

Find an accountability buddy to keep you on track.

  • Make sure the other person will show you some tough love. This will keep you honest and continually taking action.
  • Commit to your goals, and make sure you deliver on your promise to yourself.

Acknowledge Challenges

When you feel like giving up because it’s too tough, it’s not a surprise as you knew the journey wouldn’t be full of rainbows and bunnies.
