7 Things to Say to Help an Angry Person Calm Down

7 Things to Say to Help an Angry Person Calm Down

When anger flares, words can be a soothing balm or a spark to the powder keg. Discover seven effective phrases that can help diffuse tension and guide an irate individual towards a state of calm and understanding.

“Calm down” isn’t one of them

We live in a world where people get mad. Sometimes we’re the reason, so we apologize. Other times, we’re present as our spouse, friend, relative is angry.

“Shut up.”

This is a higher risk option to make the other person say, “Huh?”

“How am I right now?”

The question lets you do a full-body check and might remind yourself to relax your shoulders or breathe fully, but also gives you time to determine how you want to be in the situation.

“I wonder if it would help to take a walk and get some coffee?”

You’re leaving the scene and offering something else to do.


Say nothing.

How will that work?”

“I get it,” “Totally understand,” or “Don’t blame you,” followed with the above.

Is it ridiculously cold right now?”

This question is off-center to make the person say, “What?,” but it’s also grounded in the shared moment.


Staying in the general, third person lets you share and identify without piling on.


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