8 Task Management Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

8 Task Management Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done
8 Task Management Tips to Stop Procrastinating and Get More Done

Tons of time management strategies have been developed over the years by hundreds of people to help you get more done in less time. Here are 6 favorite task management tips that can help you stop procrastinating in your work and personal life. Think about which one of these ideas could be most helpful to you right now, in your current situation

Manage and Organize Your Tasks on Paper

Prepare thoroughly

  • List every step of the job in advance
  • Break down the job into its constituent parts before you begin to stop procrastinating
  • Writing out every detail and thoroughly preparing in advance will help you to stop doing the work

Think About the Negative Consequences if you Don’t Finish

Both fear and desire are great motivators of human behavior

  • Sometimes you can motivate yourself into action by thinking about the negative consequences
  • Start with the end in mind
  • What would your project look like if it was completed?

Fully Prepare for Each Task

When you sit down to work or to begin a task, make sure that you have everything on hand so that you don’t have to get up or move until the task is done

  • Being fully prepared is a powerful motivator for staying with the task until it is finished

Do the Task That Causes You the Most Fear or Anxiety

You will be more effective if you deal first with whatever is causing you the greatest emotional distress or fear.

  • Often this will break the logjam in your work and free you up mentally and emotionally to get things done.

Take Small Steps to Manage Your Tasks

Once you have taken even one small step to start the job, you will often find yourself continuing on with the task to completion

  • The 80/20 rule says that 20% of the task often accounts for 80%, so take small steps to start and continue on to completion.

Start Your Day With the Most Unpleasant Task First

Get it over with and behind you. Everything else for the rest of the day will seem easier in comparison

  • Starting the day with exercise was much more likely to lead to the habit of regular exercise than putting it off until the end of the night.

Sharable Quote on Time Management

Brian Tracy is recognized as the top sales training and personal success authority in the world today.

  • He has authored more than 60 books and produced more than 500 audio and video learning programs on sales, management, business success and personal development, including the worldwide bestseller The Psychology of Achievement.

“Salami Slice” Your Tasks

Select a small piece of the task and then discipline yourself to do it. This will give you the momentum you need to counter inertia and stop procrastinating

  • Do a small slice and complete just that piece just as you would take a single slice of salami and eat it.

Select a 5-Min Task and Start There

Treat your task like a block of cheese and punch holes in it

  • Do a five-minute part of the job and do only that
  • Break the task down into small pieces and do just one small piece at a time
